2nd February 2025 The Presentation of Christ in the Temple


A reminder that all children and families start with us in the service each week and then leave for their Children’s Church groups at the start of the readings. If your child is unaccompanied in the younger group (4-6 years old) then please make sure you have signed-in at the welcome area and collect them from the back at communion.

St George’s will be holding a Jumble Sale on Saturday 8th February and a Quiz Night on Saturday 15th February.  Please see posters in the porch for more details.

A Parent First Aid course will take place on Saturday 8th February in the Belli Centre. It will be £30 per person and run from 9.30am – 11.30am. Please contact andrea@daisyfirstaid.com if you would like to attend.

St Peter’s Quiet Day at Pleshey Retreat House on 26th April 2025, led by Rev’d Justin Hutcherson. There are still some places available, a £5.00 deposit is required when booking.  The balance will be less the more people who come, can be paid on the day. Contact dobson.val019@gmail.com

Eco Tip: Could you help save an endangered species? A Rocha have identified 25 species and habitats that need our help. Check this website to see if you can improve your outside area to benefit one or more of them. https://arocha.org.uk/what-we-do/target-25/


  Items for inclusion in the pew leaflet

should be sent to putmanpew@gmail.com by Wednesday evening.

If you require any support spiritually or practically please contact the churchwardens.

Vicar: Rev’d Justin Hutcherson (01277 417633; revjhutcher@gmail.com)

Churchwardens:  Aileen Tyler (221340); Will Russell (07784845593)