Sunday, 21st April, Fourth Sunday of Easter

Annual Church Meetings: Thursday, 25th April, 8.00 pm when Parochial Church Council members are elected – please consider whom you would like to nominate and complete the notice in the porch.  Please make sure your nominee reads the notice giving details of a PCC member’s responsibilities and number of meetings.  (NB: those nominating and proposed must be on the church’s electoral roll, the latter also as at 25th October 2023).  Copies of the Annual Accounts for 2023 are available at the back of church on the table.


Lost property have you lost a doll, soft toy, talking wand, leopard print furry scarf or a couple of water bottles?  If so, they are in in the lost property box on the hymn book table.  Anything not claimed by the 28th April will be disposed of. 


Please put this date in your calendar,  Pentecoste Sunday Bring and Share on Sunday 19th May 12-2pm. We would like you to bring a dish of your heritage to share, either savoury or sweet. In May please sign up so we know numbers.


St Peter’s Quiet Day will take place Saturday 8th June at Diocesan Retreat House at Pleshey, led by The Venerable David Lowman, formally Archdeacon of Chelmsford, now retired.  He has given us a lot of help during the interregnum and during the building of the Belli Centre.  A signing list is now available at the back of the church.


Calling all gardeners – when you are planting some seeds or splitting plants, could you save some for the church’s plant stall at our Patronal Festival at the end of June?  


We are looking for more sidespeople to join our team for the 8.00 and 9.30 am Sunday services. Teams of two for the 8.00 and three for the 9.30 are on duty about every 6-8 weeks and their duties are to welcome and direct the congregation, give out/take back service books, count the collection, etc.  If this is something you might be interested in, call Michael Bitschiné (229313) or speak to a sidesperson for more information.



Consider signing the open letter to politicians asking election candidates to support the Climate and Nature Bill. See the Zero Hour website for more information.


Items for inclusion in the pew leaflet

should be sent to by Wednesday evening.



If you require any support spiritually or practically please contact the churchwardens.

Vicar: in vacancy

Churchwardens:  Aileen Tyler (221340); Will Russell (07784845593)