As the deer pants for the water, so my soul longs after you. Psalm 42

Why save water?

Reducing water usage will reduce your environmental footprint as producing clean water uses energy and chemicals. In addition, climate change is likely to lead to more water shortages in the future. By protecting water supplies, we also help to maintain biodiversity for the wildlife that relies on water. And you will save money too if your water is metered.

  1. Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth
  2. Have a shower rather than a bath, or reduce the depth of your bath by 2 cm
  3. Time your shower – then try to reduce the time by a minute
  4. Use the dual flush buttons on your toilet correctly
  5. Use the eco cycles on your washing machine and dishwasher and only wash a full load
  6. Wash your car less frequently
  7. Keep a bottle of tap water in the fridge to save running the tap to get cold
  8. Only boil the water you need in the kettle
  9. Switch to an aerated shower head
  10. Install a cistern displacement device if you have an older style toilet
  11. Check your toilet is not leaking (clean water running into the pan all the time) and mend it if it is

Visit the Waterwise website for even more ideas