To the Lord your God belong the heavens, even the highest heavens, the earth and everything in it. Deuteronomy 10

Transport is the largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions in the UK, and the sector which has decreased least over recent years. We all need to play our part in reducing the impact of our travel on the environment.

  1. Save a car journey – walk, cycle, take public transport or car-share
  2. Practise green driving – check your tyre pressure regularly, remove roof racks and excess weight from the boot, don’t leave your engine idling for more than two minutes, accelerate and brake gently
  3. Think about where you take holidays and short breaks – try to avoid air travel if possible. Visit the Flight Free website for ideas.
  4. When replacing your car, consider electric or hybrid options
  5. Consider walking to a centralised drop off point to collect your deliveries where possible
  6. Use the stairs instead of the lift