The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded it on the seas and established it on the waters. Psalm 24

Plastic production is energy- and resource-intensive. Half of the plastic we use is used once and then thrown away. It then takes 500-1,000 years to degrade. Much of this plastic ends up in the sea, and then in the food chain. Recycling also uses a lot of energy, so it is better to try to reduce plastic waste.

  1. Buy a reusable plastic bottle and use it. Download the ‘Refill’ app so you can fill up your water bottle free.
  2. Identify any single use products you use and replace with a reusable version.
  3. Avoid cling film – use a plastic box or buy some beeswax wraps instead.
  4. Buy toiletries without the plastic eg shampoo and soap bars, laundry sheets, washing powder in a box rather than liquid in a bottle, or a refillable product (see a list of stores at Love Essex), or numerous products delivered by post.
  5. Don’t flush wet wipes (unless they have the Fine to Flush logo). Put them in the bin, or try reusable wipes.
  6. Review your bin each week and identify where waste can be reduced.
  7. Join the Big Plastic Count (March) or Plastic Free July

Lots more ideas and campaigns can be found on the City to Sea website