Eco Advent is an exciting project that combines the spirit of Advent with our commitment to the environment. This year we invite you to join us on this eco-friendly journey to the manger.

Every day, as we count down to Christmas, we’ll explore ways to reflect on and appreciate God’s creation, and share simple actions we can take to care for it better. Through Eco Advent, we’ll make each day leading up to Christmas meaningful, both spiritually and environmentally. Get ready for a green and spiritual adventure!

What you need

Stars: You can craft stars using clay, cardboard, or even draw them on paper or use starshaped stickers.

Tea light (real or LED): we would like you to light this each day when adding to your spiral. Make sure it is in a safe place.

Stable or Hut: Create your own using sticks, paper, or whatever you find handy.

Figures: Collect figurines to represent Mary, Joseph, Jesus and yourself. Use toys like Lego or Playmobil, or craft them from clay or plasticine.

(There will be further instructions for things you will need to collect each day).

Where to start

Build your stable in the centre of a large flat surface.

Using your stars, create a spiral going inwards towards the stable.

Place your tea light where the manger would be in the stable.

And that’s it, you are all set to join us on the Eco Advent journey!

Your spiral should look something like this.



Verse & Reflection Prayer Activity
1 Genesis 1:1-5

As we begin Advent, we think about God’s creation and the journey we’re about to take. What are you looking forward to about Advent this year?

Creator God, may you be our guiding light on this journey towards Christmas. Help us find our way through the darkness of winter towards the light of spring and your love. Amen. On the 1st day of Advent:

Find or make a crib and place it in the stable.

Plan a journey you can take in nature this week

2 Genesis 1: 6-10

Today we are thinking about water and the precious resource it is. How many ways will you use water today?

God our provider, thank you for the water we have to drink. We pray for those without clean drinking water and ask that you would remind us how privileged we are. Amen. On the 2nd day of Advent:

Find something to represent water to go next to today’s star.

Design a poster or sign to put up near a tap in your home to remind people to save water.

3 Job 37: 3-6

Weather is very important to our seasons, growth and nature cycles. What is your favourite weather?

Creator of Heaven and Earth, we marvel at the variety of weather. We give thanks for the rain which supports life and the sun which helps plants grow. Amen. On the 3rd day of Advent:

Add something to your spiral that represents weather.

Visit to find out how Christians are helping those around the world affected by extreme weather.

4 Genesis 1: 11-13

Take a look outside and notice the plants and trees. Are they showing you it’s winter?

Dear God, thank you for creating the plants that nourish us, providing clean air for us to breathe, giving us shade and shelter, and so much more. Amen. On the 4th day of Advent:

Add something that represents a plant or tree to your spiral.

Find something you can re-use or recycle to make a gift label or card this Christmas.

5 Isaiah 35: 1-2

When Christ comes again, all creation will be renewed. How exciting! What is your favourite thing that God has created?

Thank you, Lord, for the coming of Christ, one of the greatest gifts you have given us. Help us this Advent season to wait in joyful anticipation. Amen. On the 5th day of Advent:

Find or draw a flower and add it to your spiral.

Do something kind for someone today to remind them that they are part of God’s creation.

6 Genesis 1: 14-18

The sun is the source of all energy in our world. How many different ways do you use energy in your home?

Heavenly Father, the sun, moon and stars were created by you. Remind us that we are also created by you as part of your mighty plan. Amen. On the 6th day of Advent:

Add a sun, moon or star to your spiral.

Do something to save energy in your home today.

7 Genesis 1: 20-23

Our oceans are precious and so are the creatures that live in them. What do you most enjoy about the sea?

Lord Almighty, the oceans are filled with abundant life! May we remember how we are trusted to care for them and the resources they provide. Amen. On the 7th day of Advent:

Find something that reminds you of the sea and place this on your spiral.

Make an eco-friendly swap for something you currently use to cut down plastic in our oceans.

8 Genesis 1: 24-25

God made all creatures with a purpose. What is your favourite animal and why?

Thank you, Lord, for all the wondrous creatures you have made which teach us about your nature. May we cherish them all and seek to care for our planet to help it thrive. Amen. On the 8th day of Advent:

Place something that represents an animal on your spiral.

Contact your local wildlife trust to find out how you can help protect the animals around you.

9 Genesis 1: 26

God made each of us uniquely in his image and gave us the care of his creation. How can you care for the planet today?

Father we are commanded to be stewards of your creation. Help us to recognise the impact we have through the choices we make. Amen. On the 9th day of Advent:

Draw around your foot to represent carbon footprint and place it on your spiral.

Find out what your carbon footprint is using the World Wildlife Fund footprint calculator.

10 Genesis 2: 7

Today God shares how he made us from the dust of the Earth. Take a moment to focus on your breathing. Breathe the life of God in with every breath.

Lord of all, thank you that you formed us from the dust of the Earth and breathed life into us. We pray especially for those whose breathing is affected by pollution. Amen. On the 10th day of Advent:

Fill a jar or pot with soil and place it on your spiral.

See how you can plant a tree sapling (virtual or physically) to help our planet breathe.

11 Isaiah 48: 12-13

This verse reminds us that it was God’s hand that laid out the foundation of Earth and Heaven. Think of something that you have made with your hands.

God of creation, we thank you that you laid a perfect foundation on the Earth. Help us to look after creation so that it reflects Heaven. Amen. On the 11th day of Advent:

Draw around your hands and place it on your spiral.

Is there something in your house that you can up-cycle or re purpose with your hands?

12 Genesis 1: 29-30

God has given us so many kinds of food. What is your favourite?

Loving God, we give you thanks for the provision of food. May we enjoy what you provide and be considerate of our planet in the choices we make. Amen. On the 12th day of Advent:

Place an item of food on your spiral.

Make a meal today from food sourced locally.

13 Genesis 1: 31

God tells us he is pleased with what he has made. That includes you and your family. You are his masterpiece. How does that make you feel?

Father, we are all part of your family. Give us eyes to see everyone as brothers and sisters and show them the same love that you do. Amen. On the 13th day of Advent:

Place a picture of those you love and care about on your spiral.

Talk to your wider family and friends about how you can collectively look after God’s creation.

14 Genesis 2: 19-20

Today Adam names all the birds and animals. What is your best bird or animal impression?

Dear God, you know us all by name. As we encounter other species, may we think about their place in your world. Amen. On the 14th day of Advent:

Add a picture of a bird to your spiral.

Find out what you can do to protect endangered animals.

15 Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8

Today’s reading reminds us of the importance of the seasons. What is your favourite season?

We thank you God for the gift of time and for the changing seasons. May we learn from nature to accept the different seasons of life. Amen. On the 15th day of Advent:

Find something that represents winter to place on your spiral.

Make a conscious decision to only buy seasonal food.

16 Matthew 4: 16

Today’s reading talks about Jesus becoming a light to the world. How do you think this differs from a light bulb lighting up a dark space?

Father, thank you for electricity that enables light, but we thank you more for Jesus who brought the light of God into our dark world. Amen. On the 16th day of Advent:

Place a torch or other light source on your spiral.

Light is an important part of everyday life. Swap out normal lights for LED bulbs, or lower energy lighting.

17 Matthew 1: 18-21

After God spoke to Joseph through the angel, he chose to do the right thing and stand by Mary. When have you been compelled to do the right thing?

Lord, thank you that Joseph heard from you and his actions changed. We pray that more people will hear your voice about how to look after the planet and act on it. Amen. On the 17th day of Advent:

Place an angel on your spiral.

Make a conscious effort to stand up for something that will make a difference to the planet. It could be how you shop, spend your money or use your time.

18 Luke 2: 1-5

Mary and Joseph embark on a journey to Joseph’s hometown to register for a census. What’s a memorable journey you have been on?

Today we ask for protection for all those who are travelling to see their loved ones this Christmas. May their journeys bring them joy as well as reaching their destination. Amen. On the 18th day of Advent:

Place a picture or model of a mode of transport on your spiral.

This week swap one journey in the car for a more eco-friendly way of travelling.

19 John 1: 22-23

God came to live among humanity in the form of Jesus. What do you think Jesus would say about the state of the planet if he were here today?

God of creation, thank you that you chose to live among us in the person of Jesus. We are sorry for harming your creation. Show us how we can put things right. Amen. On the 19th day of Advent:

Place a cross to represent Jesus on your spiral.

Walk around your neighbourhood and if you notice litter, pick it up and dispose of it safely.

20 Luke 2: 6-7

Jesus was born in a stable where Mary wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger. Is there a time when you met a newborn baby. How did you react?

Lord, we pray for maternity wards and midwifes that help bring new life into the world. We pray for those who don’t have access to safe maternity services. Amen. On the 20th day of Advent:

Place a picture of someone in your family as a baby on your spiral.

Support a local baby collecting charity by donating clothes or baby items.

21 Luke 2: 8-12

In the nativity story God sends an angel to the shepherds to share the good news. How would you react if an angel appeared to you?

Lord, we thank you for seeing everyone as equal and that you chose the marginalised shepherds to share in the birth of your Son Jesus. Amen. On the 21st day of Advent:

Add something that represents farming to your spiral.

Identify how you can support local food banks to help cut down food waste.

22 Matthew 2: 1-2

Today, God calls the wise men to meet Jesus. They used a star to guide them to the manger. What do you use to direct you?

Dear God, thank you for the signs you give us. Help those in authority to use their wisdom for the good of the planet. Amen. On the 22nd day of Advent:

Find something that represents the night sky and add it to your spiral.

Write to your local politician asking to make environmental changes in your community.

23 Matthew 2: 9-10

When the wise men met the Christ child, it says they were filled with joy! What fills you with joy?

Almighty God, we ask you to fill us with joy today. Let our smiles represent your love so that others will come to know you. Amen. On the 23rd day of Advent:

Place something that represents joy or fun to your spiral.

Often saving the planet can feel like hard work. Today, find a fun way to make a difference.

24 Matthew 2: 11

The wise men brought gifts to Jesus of gold, frankincense and myrrh. What is the best gift you have ever received?

Lord, we thank you for the gifts that the wise men brought to Jesus and for what they represent. We pray for those who won’t receive a gift this Christmas and that they will know that they are loved by you. Amen. On the 24th day of Advent:

Add something that represents gold, frankincense or myrrh to your spiral.

Make or up-cycle a gift for someone.

25 Today is Jesus’ birthday, and a time to celebrate!

Whilst we celebrate Christmas and enjoy all the good things the day brings, remember Jesus’ birth is significant to the whole universe.

Write or say a prayer giving thanks for Jesus and the whole of creation, and offer your hopes for the future. On Christmas Day:

Move your tea light to the door of the stable, then place your baby Jesus figure in the stable with Mary and Joseph.

We hope you have enjoyed your Advent journey. We would love to see photos of your calendars on our Facebook page at any time during Advent.

This resource was created by the Diocese of Bath and Wells. For more information on how you can make a difference to the environment, follow our weekly Eco-tips on Facebook or visit our website: