The old churchyard has been in use for many centuries and undoubtedly there have been many graves and headstones which are now lost. The headstones that remain vary in condition and age, from the 1600s to the 1900s. Sometime in the past, a number were moved and some are leaning against the churchyard walls, whilst others have been laid to form paths. The churchyard is now closed for any further burials and is looked after by volunteers from the congregation and by Brentwood Borough Council.
Burials now take place in the newer east extension graveyard, 100 yards downhill from the church, on the opposite side of the road. Interments started in 1915 and include two war graves, one from each of the two World Wars. By the late 1980s this was almost completely filled and in May 1988, a further extension was opened; details of these headstones are not shown. Additional inscriptions are still made to headstones in the older part of the eastern graveyard as details of other family members, who have since died, are added.
The inscriptions in both graveyards vary in decipherability and over time, are fading, especially in the old churchyard. Some have now become totally illegible, so we are very grateful to Bill and Edna Wilford, members of our congregation and the Brentwood Historical Society who, during the early 1990s, surveyed the graveyards and recorded all the inscriptions.
Our lists do not record every death, as not all had a headstone and not everyone on the lists is buried here. Others are memorials to people who are buried elsewhere, eg family members, friends or even employers. Each surname is listed against a number, which can be cross referenced with a position on a map, so you may be able to track down the actual stone, should it still be there, although as the stones are continually weathering, some may not be legible or may even have disappeared.
Please note that burial, wedding and baptism registers relevant to this churchyard are now archived at the Essex Records Office, where they are available for public inspection (see
These documents are free to use for personal and research purposes, but the copyright and data contained within remains the intellectual property of St. Peter’s PCC and may not be used for commercial purposes without permission from the PCC. Please get in touch with the church for more information.
Churchyard Headstones Inscriptions
Extension Graveyard Inscriptions
Gill Bitschiné