Mothers’ Union is a worldwide Christian charity that supports family life in whatever shape or form that family takes.  Its members are not all mothers or even all women, as there are many parents, men, widows, singles and grandparents involved.  Membership is open to anyone who has been baptised.

Our branch at St Peter’s is over 90 years old and we are involved in various aspects of church life, such as helping out with Sunbeams and overseeing the Christingle service.  Our meetings normally take place once a month with a variety of speakers and activities; or we might go out for a social event, have a craft evening or concentrate on doing something practical such as filling shoe boxes to be sent off as Christmas presents for children overseas.  We are also actively involved with fundraising for projects in which the Diocese has a particular interest, and to support the MU Overseas and Relief Fund.

Subscriptions for the Mothers’ Union are £25 per year – some of this is sent to Mothers’ Union headquarters, some to the Diocese, whilst the remainder of money is kept by the branch for its own uses.  If you can’t attend the meetings, you can still belong. We will keep you up-to-date with what we are doing and perhaps you can help with our projects in the comfort of your home.

If you feel it may be of interest to you, that you might enjoy a group where you can meet, share experiences of family life, help others (both in this country and abroad), learn about topics that affect us all, develop friendships with like-minded people, all with God at the heart of it, please speak with us or call us – details below.

Branch Secretary – Rosemary Dawson Tel:  01277 821466