Residents do not pay rent, but instead pay a Weekly Maintenance Contribution to cover overheads including the provision of central heating, maintaining the gardens, outside communal lighting and administration of the Emergency Call System. Residents are directly responsible for payment of their own utility accounts (water & electricity) and personal bills such as Council Tax and home contents insurance.
Eligibility Criteria
Applications are invited from both men and women over the age of 50 of limited financial means who meet our residency requirements, who are capable of independent living and are able to demonstrate a housing need to the satisfaction of the Board of Trustees. Appointments are at the sole discretion of the Trustees.
How to Apply
If you would like to find out more, please contact the clerk
Contact Details
Mr Ken Harris
Clerk to the Trustees
9 Bannister Drive,
Hutton Poplars,
Essex CM13 1YX
Tel: 01277 217913
Email: browne.wingrave “at”
Please replace the “at” with an @ – it helps to prevent UCE/SPAM by not putting Ken’s email directly onto this page for you to click on.